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Christmas, 1914 « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Christmas, 1914

December 24, 2016


STEVE writes:

The Christmas Truce of 1914 is an extremely inspiring story. It is an inspiration to Christians the world over that those soldiers on that cold night in Flanders Fields, initiated by the Germans, came together in a spirit of chivalrous brotherhood with their opponents on the other side of the trenches and laid down their weapons in honor of the Birthday of the Prince of Peace.

It was perhaps the greatest example in world history of a large number of men, particularly soldiers, following Christ’s commandment to be peacemakers, as you can see in this New American article. [More at Lew Rockwell.] The 2005 Joyeux Noel movie doesn’t show that the German soldiers took great risks to get the British to agree to the truce.

This story needs to be better told as an inspiration to all, especially in the dangerous and eerily similar world we find ourselves in exactly 100 years later, with the same Rothschild bankster forces that started the First World War now trying to start the third. The decent Germans were utterly demonized by malicious British and American hate propaganda, falsely accused of ‘bayonetting Belgium babies,’ raping nuns, crucifying British prisoners, and creating ‘cadaver factories’ and using the body parts of Allied/Entente soldiers for industrial use.

This utterly depraved lying about the German nation is largely responsible for the world we live in today. It was the massive bearing of false witness to the Germans – their soldiers, leaders, and civilians alike – that led to the Versailles Treaty, bankrupting Germany, leading to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, and the Anglo-Zionist instigated conflict of the Second World War, which then spawned the march of world Communism and the intense conflict in Middle East and the world in general that we live with today.

Merry Christmas!

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