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Disgraceful Rex Tillerson « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Disgraceful Rex Tillerson

December 15, 2016


WHAT COULD be more corrupt than the role played by Rex Tillerson, Trump’s choice for Secretary of State and former head of the Boy Scouts of America, in the organization’s decision to allow openly homosexual boys in the organization? The man is a disgrace. Under his command, Exxon also became a company with a high rating on the “Corporate Equality Index.”

Tillerson is quoted in the BSA’s Scouting magazine as responding to the vote allowing homosexual Scouts as follows:

Regardless of where you were on this decision, it’s also very normal for people to feel like there are winners or losers. I’m here to tell you that’s not true. … There are neither winners nor losers. What’s left after we made the decision to change is the mission, and the mission has not changed.

Millions of boys were the losers.

Given Tillerson’s background, we have reason to believe he will continue to push Hillary’s LGBTQ agenda on the entire world.

— Comments —

Joe A. writes:

Laura, as an active Scouter I share your assessment of this odious man and his successors, especially Robert Gates.

However, and I’m as surprised and glad about this as any old time Scout can be, since the “membership policy modification” was implemented, homosexual interest in the Boy Scouts simply disappeared. Not a single incident, apart from a few infiltrations already in process that finalized après.

In other words, it’s possible Gates was on the up and up but using some kind of reverse psychology to neutralize their attacks.  Even if true, there are tens of thousands of cucked adult leaders who might take Gates’ and Tillerson’s words at face value and that is a crying shame no matter what motivated the queering of the Boy Scouts.

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