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More Child Abuse « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More Child Abuse

December 29, 2016

17-year-old boy is the new face of Cover Girl cosmetics.

And the National Women’s Hockey League now accepts “men.” Writes Mike King:

The subversive war on the institutions of marriage and family has been raging for decades, and with devastating results. But this war on sexual identity strikes even deeper. You see, normal men are not attracted to butchy manly women; and normal women are not attracted to girly boys. By tampering with natural roles — transgender confusion being the most extreme manifestation — the Globalists are screwing up the minds and spirits of our young people so badly that most of them will never attract (beyond the momentarily physical, if even that) and get married in the first place. Loneliness, alienation, depression and state servitude await the vast majority of millennial and subsequent generations to follow — and it is all by design.

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