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Pizzagate « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


December 2, 2016


Miley Cyrus, pizza aficionado

Miley Cyrus, pizza aficionado and emblem of the Pizzagate child abuse that surround us everyday.

WHEELER writes:

I know you share my disdain for the alleged “food” called pizza. I was wondering if you’ve read or followed any of the allegations about pedophilic sex rings in the Clinton circles, dubbed “Pizzagate?” It’s an offshoot of some of the Wikileaks stuff. I won’t feed you any links, because I know you like doing your own research….just curious if you’d heard/thought about this vile possibility.

May you and your family be blessed during this season of Advent.

Laura writes:

Thank you, and the same to you.

Regarding your question, pedophilia rings — and Satanists — surely exist at the very top. I believe that, given the perversion our government tolerates (celebrates actually) and the existence of secret societies.

But Pizzagate strikes me as planted disinformation.

Hillary’s staff ran a child-trafficking ring out of a Washington pizzeria? Is there solid evidence, please? I see an echo chamber of rumor and innuendo and, honestly, it’s implausible. From the very first it screamed hoax to me — a manufactured, Internet-based story to distract, create false hysteria and discredit the Internet and “conspiracy theories.” I do not believe Hillary Clinton is a child trafficker. Fake news is being created to discredit “fake news.”

If this is a hoax, doesn’t it make sense that pizza was part of it? An astute reader of The Thinking Housewife can see beyond the phony red sauce and rubber cheese.

By the way, just to clarify for newcomers, I don’t disdain all pizza. It’s the Pizza Industrial Complex that’s the problem. : – )  Pedophiles and Satanists probably stuff their victims with that kind of pizza. Pizza is the favorite food of Miley Cyrus, who most certainly is the victim (and perpetrator) of child abuse.

Again pedophilia rings surely exist, but let’s await more serious evidence. In the meantime, almost all American children are the victims of child abuse, surrounded as they are by pornographic imagery; ugly, sexual music and immoral indoctrination in schools. They are deliberately and systematically robbed of their innocence. Like pizza, that child abuse is everywhere. That’s a Pizzagate we absolutely know is true and that we can resist, starting with our own hatred of it and refusal to accept it as normal. I advise readers to stay away from the other Pizzagate stories for now. Don’t tumble down a black hole.

Update, December 6, 2016

IN the wake of an alleged shooting (a hoax) at the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C., CNN says Pizzagate is fake news. The more insistently the leading purveyors of fake news say this is fake, the more plausible it seems. Other major purveyors of fake news, such as The New York Times, have of course said the same thing. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a planted “conspiracy theory.” I may have to revise my theory, but I still advise readers not to get swept up in this story in this season of Advent, when our minds should be drawn to higher things.

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