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Thanks from a Reader « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Thanks from a Reader

December 19, 2016


CHRISTIAN P. sends a donation and writes:

Thank you for your website. I think you are carrying the banner left behind by Lawrence Auster. Like him, you continue to challenge me to question the story our masters tell us and open the doors to truth. Thanks especially for sharing the truth on critical matters like 9/11 and especially the “holocaust.”

I also very much appreciate and enjoy the poetry that you share.

Most importantly, thank you for publicly proclaiming the true Faith and rejecting the impostors in the counterfeit Vatican II sect. Without your strong witness I may not have accepted the truth of sedevacantism myself.

Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your generosity and your thoughtful appreciation.

Let’s rejoice at this happy time of year. Truth exists. We stand on solid ground. Sanity is reality.

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