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A Former “Nasty Girl” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Former “Nasty Girl”

January 24, 2017

PENELOPE writes:

I spent my 20s struggling with the morals of my traditional Catholic background and the overwhelming Jewish feminist influence of the world. It created a cognitive dissonance in my mind and a life of acting out as a ‘nasty’ woman, while simultaneously feeling bad. Although I had a Catholic upbringing, I still came from a dysfunctional and personality-disordered family with an emotionally absent father.

This background combined with the intense feminist influence in all realms had me looking for ‘hooking up’ to find a boyfriend and mate. I didn’t know how to actually date until I was 30 years old and spent enough time reading books to figure it out. The common culture of going to a bar and ‘hooking up’ was the culture that abounded.

Although I finally figured out how to date and what to look for in a man and am happily married now, it was not without a great turn around and lots of fear that my past as a ‘nasty woman’ would prevent a future in a solid relationship.

I truly feel sorry for the girls and young women today, many, many of whom are growing up in dysfunctional families like my own and are so open to this influence. “Empowering” themselves through casual sex is a recipe for disaster. The hubris of thinking one can find a husband at any age or never have one at all [and yet be sexually active] is such a lie that these young women are embracing. One that will bring great sadness in their 40s and beyond.

We are on the doorstep of one of the saddest generations to come.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your wise observations.

Just one point: You don’t mention how old you are but if you were born after Vatican II and the changes in the liturgy during the 1960s, you were not raised with a traditional Catholic background or with the Sanctifying Graces that come from the true Mass.

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