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“Abolish the CIA” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Abolish the CIA”

January 16, 2017

FROM Michael Rozeff at LewRockwell.com:

The CIA is an organization that perpetually undermines traditional American values and moral values. It consistently kills innocent people. It continually causes instability and wars. It undermines other societies and our own. It interferes constantly in foreign nations, to the detriment of them and us. It is an unelected power that challenges elected officials. It favors abuses of power, including torture. Its actual value at generating usable intelligence is minimal, often wrong, often misleading, inaccurate and harmful as in the WMD that were never found in Iraq.

“The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an ‘American Holocaust.’ This quote and a detailed timeline of CIA atrocities is available.

William Blum has listed CIA interventions for us.

All that needs to be done to understand the enormity of CIA crimes against humanity is to associate each of these interventions with the deaths, injuries, disruption of lives and destruction that they have caused. The most recent of these are … [cont.]

A related story here.

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