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Chaos at a “Catholic” School « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Chaos at a “Catholic” School

January 2, 2017

AN article by George Holiday at American Renaissance describes the decline of a Catholic high school. Entitled “How Blacks Changed Our School,” it would be better titled, “How the Novus Ordo Church Changed Our School.”

None of the outrageous misbehavior by disruptive black students recounted vividly by Holiday (language warning) would have occurred 60 years ago, when Catholic school students sometimes received corporal punishment for minor disobediences such as not having their hands folded and a spirit of reverence came from the liturgy. Catholics were also having plenty of children (as the Church taught them to) so there was no need to recruit or pander to non-Catholics.

Sports were not idolized (Holiday mentions how that has contributed to the school’s decline) and blacks were also not held to different standards, as is described here. Holiday writes:

I must point out, however, that our black students who are Catholic are usually very well behaved and respectful. We have also had a number of driven, successful black students who strongly identified with our school even though they were not Catholic and who have gone on to successful careers. Not all of our black students are troublemakers or criminals, but a significant number are.

I should also point out that it is not as if I or my colleagues simply disregard misbehavior. Some of our administrators deal with it as best they can, but are overwhelmed and often overridden from the higher-ups in the diocesan offices. Most of us have accepted that this state of affairs is now normal. Combating such behavior is met with indifference at best. Once, a student who was confronted in the hallway for his loutish behavior got into a teacher’s face, bumped chests with him, and dared him to fight. He did not even get a detention, and an administrator warned the teacher not to deal with students in such an antagonistic manner. The same student later assaulted a mildly autistic student and was caught stealing from the school. He graduated two years later. [bold added]

The Vatican II Church is unequipped to deliver Catholicism to blacks or whites, with their distinctly different personalities and traits. This school is doomed without a return to the Catholic Faith. Its decline is irreversible.

One misstatement: Holiday writes, “At least no one has yet asked a black student to portray Jesus in our yearly production of the Stations of the Cross. It is only a matter of time.” There’s nothing wrong with a black student portraying Jesus. All human beings are unqualified for the part.

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