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Christmas in January « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Christmas in January

January 18, 2017


Thomas Kibble Hervey's (1799-1859) Christmas Book with illustrations by Robert Seymour (1798-1836) 95

Thomas Kibble Hervey’s (1799-1859) Christmas Book with illustrations by Robert Seymour

IN this fantastic talk by Judith Sharpe of In the Spirit of Chartres, Mrs. Sharpe explains why she does not put her Christmas lights and decorations up until a few days before Christmas and why she keeps them up until February 2 — and why you should too.

Remember, it’s in the interests of retailers to put you in the Christmas “spirit” long before Christmas (when you are buying gifts) instead of after, when we should logically be celebrating the greatest event in human history. Not that we want to hear that canned Christmas pop in the stores after Christmas too or be running around exhausted and over-spent. (Do you notice how in America, everything is turned into work? Even childhood. Even Christmas.) No, the time before Christmas should be less festive and the time afterward should be an extension of the festivities, ideally less commercial and more peaceful.

Merry Christmas!

God so loved the world. That He entered into it and changed everything forever.


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