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Citizen Activists Foil Inauguration Plots! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Citizen Activists Foil Inauguration Plots!

January 25, 2017


THE main group of inauguration protestors was infiltrated by Project Veritas, a group of conservative activists, and the plans for extreme disruption were abandoned after they were reported in advance to the police. The Washington Post reports:

Law enforcement authorities said they think that the successful penetration of DisruptJ20, an umbrella organization for a number of groups that police said sought to wreak havoc at the inauguration, forced it to abandon plans to try to shut down Metro trains and block entrances into the District, according to two law enforcement officials with knowledge of the investigation.

Wow, this is awesome.

Project Veritas’s videos exposing DisruptJ20’s plans to chain Metro trains and release noxious gasses into the subway can be found here.

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