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Common Sense from Big Joe « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Common Sense from Big Joe

January 24, 2017


— Comments —

Claire writes:

Big Joe is very well informed and articulate and he certainly sees things as they are. Talk about discernment.

Brave too- he was in a leftist hellscape of brain-washed,  rabid, hypocritical sheep. I’m happy (and surprised) that he was not assaulted.

Good job for speaking up Joe!!!

Laura writes:

I agree. He’s awesome. The fact that he is black probably helped him. I don’t think he would have been listened to if he were not.

Lydia Sherman writes:

God bless this possible future President. I hope he lives long enough to lead people out of Margaret Sanger darkness. She hated black people and Planned Parenthood was a plan to annihilate them. Big Joe knows this history.

Alan Roebuck writes:

In case you hadn’t heard, here is a one-hour interview with Big Joe by the same outfit that produced the famous video. He shows himself to be a sober and mature Christian, well-read, and humble.

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