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Italian Archbishop Blasts Support for Migrants « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Italian Archbishop Blasts Support for Migrants

January 23, 2017

IN A rare display of courage and common sense, an Italian Novus Ordo Archbishop, Monsignor Carlo Liberati, recently criticized the country’s unrestrained welcome to Muslim migrants:

“We help without delay those coming from outside and we forget many poor and old Italians who are eating from the trash. We need policies that take care of Italians first: our young people and the unemployed.

“I am a protester. If I were not a priest, I’d be out there demonstrating in the squares. What is the point of so many migrants that instead of thanking for the food we give them, they just throw it, spend hours with their cell phones and even organise riots?”

Liberati even accused the Catholic church of donating too much money to the recent migrants.

“He said: “Giving money to migrants wandering around town is not only wrong, but morally harmful because we encourage their behaviour and they get used to that, not mentioning the fact that we already feed them.”

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