Religion at the Inauguration
January 21, 2017

Paula White speaks at her church, New Destiny Christian Center, on Jan. 1, 2017, in Apopka, Fl. Photo courtesy of Sarah M. Brown
PASTOR PAULA WHITE-CAIN was the most physically attractive and charismatic figure in the religious line-up at the Trump inauguration ceremony. In her bright red suit, the pretty Pastor White-Cain, with her pleasant Southern twang, asked that America be a “beacon” among the nations. Behind her, the smarmy “Cardinal” Timothy Dolan, who never said the words as he hastily made the sign of the cross before his own invocation from the Old Testament, nodded and raised his eyes to heaven as if he was at a revival meeting led by the female prophet who looked ever so much like a successful corporate executive.
The twice-divorced, thrice-married, wealthy Protestant celebrity preacher was the first woman “clergy member” included in an inauguration ceremony. She is host of the show “Paula Today.” The philosophy of her current home, the New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, can be summed up in the words “Arise and Expand.” If one accepts the healing power of Jesus Christ and selectively reads the Bible, one is automatically saved — and prosperity is likely to follow. Here’s a video about New Destiny’s new video gaming room for children. Like many Protestant mega-churches, New Destiny is a community center and recreation club, as well as a place to get some God and the Bible as interpreted by a pastor with lots of personality. White-Cain is said to be Trump’s religious mentor.
Some evangelical Protestants objected to White-Cain’s appearance, accusing her of not representing authentic Christianity. They have no authority to condemn her. The Bible, so abstruse in places that even the greatest of thinkers and saints have struggled to understand it, is whatever you make of it in the religious free-for-all known as “Evangelical” Christianity.
Expect to see more of Pastor Paula, whose church is no more sacred than a strip mall, in the years ahead.

— Comments —
Neil P. writes:
Never heard of Paula White before. But who was it who said of women preachers that “it’s not that they do it so badly it’s that they do it at all”?
That being said, Evangelicals of recent times were against women ministers.
Lydia Sherman writes:
I cringe at these female preachers, who are just glorified motivational speakers. They do not even dress in normal clothing, but in designs that look like The Jetsons space age suits.
Laura writes:
I don’t think she’s worse than her male counterparts.