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Slamming the Press « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Slamming the Press

January 23, 2017

MANY of you have probably already read of Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, responding Saturday to false reports regarding the inauguration. But if you have not actually seen Spicer’s press conference, I highly recommend it. It is great to see someone challenge public lies in this way.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

This guy has the Trump techniques.

This is so amusing the way Spicer tells the media they made false reports and that they will be held accountable. Comments are good too. Media was left stunned!

He told them the President will just go directly to the people on tv or media because the press is so dishonest. Its almost to the end when he gets tough. I like this guy.

Then he walked out on them, leaving them in the press room, not allowing them to ask him any questions. It was such a good show. I hope it wasn’t a staged comedy…it was just too good, laughable. He was so funny the way he kept talking and not allowing any interruptions. Just too funny.

Claire writes:

He did a great job! Plowed right through his content.

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