Thanks, Obama!
January 20, 2017

OH, what the heck. We can pay it off tomorrow.
— Comments —
Terry Morris writes:
The problem (which is as plain as the nose on a leftist’s face) is that we’re not investing enough in the future. If “conservatives” would just get with the program and stop impeding progress, balancing the budget and paying off the debt would be as simple and pain free as … gender reassignment surgery.
Embracing human creativity is the key. Who can say what boundless untapped resources are waiting to manifest themselves if only we raise the debt ceiling to infinity once and for all, create more money out of thin air, fully fund science, the arts and education, invest in the future of specie reassignment surgery and unconditionally grant “marriage” and spousal privileges to frogmen and their lotus flower soul mates?
Viva la revolutione! Go America!