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The Epiphany « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Epiphany

January 6, 2017


Virgin and Child, from an Adoration Group, ca. 1515–20 German, Limewood with polychromy; 20 3/16 × 14 3/8 × 7 11/16 in. (51.3 × 36.5 × 19.5 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Audrey Love Charitable Foundation Gift, 2013 (2013.1093) http://www.metmuseum.org/Collections/search-the-collections/633712

Virgin and Child, from an Adoration Group, ca. 1515–20 German; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

“The word Epiphany means the manifestation or apparition of God to His creatures. The Church commemorates on this day three manifestations of our Lord: the first to the Gentiles in the persons of the Magi: the second to the Jews at the moment of His baptism by St. John; the third to His own disciples by His first miracle at Cana in Galilee. Yet the first of these manifestations is more especially the object of this day’s festival, which is called on this account the Kings’ Feast.” Source

The Eastern kings the star have seen,
They hasten on their way;
Long time they’ve watched and waiting been
The dawning of that day:

The dawning of the day of grace,
The gleam of Jacob’s star,
The Virgin’s child of Jesse’s race
Whom prophets saw afar.

Glory give to God on high!

And now they open treasures rare,
Which Indian silks enfold,
Of myrrh which sweetly scents the air,
Of frankincense and gold.

Their kingly heads they meekly bow
The cradled Babe before,
Their God confess, and kneeling low
In humble faith adore.

Glory give to God on high!

With them I come to greet my King,
Yet not with them to part;
No gold, no frankincense I bring,
I offer Him my heart.

With Him to live, with Him to die,
Who by His lowly birth,
Gave glory to our God on high,
And peace to men on earth.

Glory give to God on high!


"The Dream of the Magi;" Autun Cathedral

“The Dream of the Magi;” Autun Cathedral


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