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The Star of the Magi « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Star of the Magi

January 6, 2017



Adoration of the Magi, Hieronymous Bosch; 1470s

“The three kings with their attendants, prostrate at the feet of the Infant Jesus, were the firstlings of the heathens who acknowledged Jesus, and entered His Church. As we reflect upon the great happiness vouchsafed to them, the question forces itself upon us: “Why do not all nations likewise enjoy a participation in their happiness?” My answer is: “Because they do not look upward with the same love of truth to the star of the Magi;” and this, as I understand it, I will explain today.”

“The Feast of the Epiphany” by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876

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