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The Women’s March, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Women’s March, cont.

January 22, 2017

KATY HOPKINS was there. She writes for The Daily Mail (language warning):

I wanted to point out, respectfully, that democracy is the Electoral College system that saw Trump turn the map from blue to red. But there were a few million of them. And they had pictures of vaginas. So I decided this was not the time.

I thought I heard the women chanting ‘Menstrual brew’ which had me wondering exactly what this lot were on. But listening more closely it turned out to be ‘Pence Sucks Too.’

I was grateful for the clarity. I thought it was just Trump they hated. But it turns out it is all men. Apart from the ones who are transitioning to women.

‘What do we want? Equality’. ‘When do we want it?’ ‘NOW’.

I wondered what in their world was not equal, but I guess if you have a massive chip on one shoulder the world is probably a bit askew.

I took a peak at the map to see if any of them actually knew what they were doing, what they were protesting about or where they were going.

I was surprised to see a lactation station, a reunification station marked by fist and a fleet of warming buses before they had reached mile one.

An almighty army of women, gushing, fisting and lactating their way down the road. Right on sister.

They will not be silenced. That is clear. But they don’t know what it is they are shouting about. Anger is not enough

For all my jibes, there was something truly impressive about the sheer scale of the crowds, the enormous number of women and men, filling the streets of Washington in a noisy bubbling ribbon of pink and placards.

But it is an army lacking a common purpose. Lacking a common cause. Every one of them wielding a placard for a different grudge they bear. Many unable to give a coherent reason for being there. Most at odds with the placards they carried.

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