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Transgender Backdrop to Inauguration « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Transgender Backdrop to Inauguration

January 20, 2017

DAN R. writes:

After having one “A”-list performer after another announce that he or she would not perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration, it was announced that 16-year-old classically-trained Jackie Evancho will sing the national anthem at the inauguration.

Those putting the most pressure on singers contemplating performing were the so-called LGBT community, apparently out of revulsion for Trump’s VP Mike Pence, who as governor of Indiana signed a “religious freedom bill” (transgender bathrooms and all of that). Miss Evancho dismisses any charges of “hate” against her by stating, simply, she is not political … that it is an honor to perform at a presidential inauguration.

And now comes this ABC News feature segment, “As Jackie Evancho Prepares for Inauguration Performance, Her Transgender Sister Juliet Prepares for Gender Confirmation Surgery.”

“Born “Jacob,” Juliet Evancho is an artist at heart, who has blossomed into a civil rights activist.”

You’ve got to hand it to this “LGBT” community. Their understanding of the confluence of social factors, combined with both a viciousness and creativity, has resulted in a scenario that I would sum up in one word: checkmate! They will continue getting their political mileage for the Trump administration being anti-LGBT while celebrating the fact that the main performer at the inauguration is not only a full-fledged supporter of, but has a transgender “sister.” And the normalization of the weird and perverse has just stepped up a notch.

Dan adds:

I had just learned of the term “gender confirmation surgery” and am shaking my head at the perversity of this propagandistic marvel. And here Mrs. Evancho thought she was being “with it” with her casual reference to her son’s upcoming “SRS.” Those Yahoo editors sure set her straight! And the innocently clueless Jackie Evancho, believing she is not “political.” The fruits of PC are now so thoroughly imbedded in our society that even at the Trump inaugural it sneaks in, confirming just how deep a hole we are in.

Laura writes:

I assume, from the article linked, that Jacob Evancho is being castrated today — or in the near future.

What a sick, sick family.

What a sick, sick country. It’s okay to mutilate adolescents in this way.

— Comments —

Katherine writes:

And Caitlyn Jenner attended the pre-inauguration dinner for donors at DC’s Union Station.

So much for “Making America Great Again.” So much for “draining the swamp.”



Laura writes:

We should pray for the new president and his administration.

Pray for miracles.

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