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Trump and “Family Planning” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump and “Family Planning”

January 27, 2017

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S restoration of the Mexico City Policy which forbids federal funding of foreign abortions is not cause for jubilation, writes Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey.

President Trump has been absolutely fearless in vowing to build a border wall and restoring the rule of law at the border between the United States of America and the United Mexican States, and his demand that so-called “sanctuary cities” simply obey Federal immigration law has been met with a firestorm of opposition from those cities’ self-righteous “mayors” who countenance law-breaking when it suits their ideological purposes of social engineering. Mayors such as Rahm Emanuel of the murder-infested city named Chicago, Illinois, and Warren Wilhelm/“Bill de Blasio” of the nation’s abortion capital, the City of New York, New York, have expressed defiance of the new president in order to persist in their violations of the rule of law.

However, Dr. Droleskey continues:

… President Donald John Trump’s restoration of the Mexico City Policy according to the terms included in then President George Walker Bush’s executive order of January 22, 2001, represents yet another needless concession that there are circumstances in which innocent preborn children may be put to death lawfully with funding provided by American taxpayer dollars.

Moreover, even though President Trump’s iteration of the Mexico City Policy extends to all Federal agencies and not just to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to forbid them from using American taxpayer dollars to promote surgical abortion as a means of “family planning,” “family planning” is itself odious to God, injurious to individuals, destructive to families and fatal to the welfare of nations. Most of our social problems are the direct result of the destruction of the stability of the family, the proliferation of unwed mothers and of children sent off to pre-school and after-school “care” programs, meaning that [they] grow up never having experienced the meaning of a stable family and thus of the true love and sense of security to be found therein. Indeed, many of Federal entitlement programs exist to provide taxpayer assistance to children who live in poverty as a result of the consequences of contraception and the unstable situations in which they live.

Here is the text of President Trump’s presidential memorandum restoring the Mexico City Policy, which extends the ban of American taxpayer dollars being provided to “family planning” agencies in foreign countries that use surgical abortion as a means of “family planning”: [cont.]

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