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Trump Defunds Foreign Abortions « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump Defunds Foreign Abortions

January 24, 2017

FROM Lifesite News:

In his very first pro-life action, President Donald Trump signed an executive order today reinstating the “Mexico City Policy” banning government funding of foreign pro-abortion groups like the International Planned Parenthood Federation.

A cultural political football, the policy was first enacted by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and was maintained by President George H.W. Bush until it was rescinded first by Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1993. Eight years later, President George W. Bush reinstated Mexico City and it was in effect until Barack Obama reversed it upon entering office in 2009.

The Mexico City Policy bans funding to organizations that perform abortions overseas or lobby for legalizing them in foreign nations.

Trump’s pro-life action comes a day after the 44th anniversary of the notorious Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling, which along with the Court’s Doe v. Bolton decision, established abortion-on-demand as the law of the land.

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At the first official White House press conference this afternoon, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said that reinstating the Mexico City Policy illustrates to the people of the United States “and to people of the world…what a value we place on life.” He said it is consistent with Trump, who campaigned as a “pro-life president.”

Trump “wants to stand up for all Americans including the unborn,” and ensure taxpayer funding is ”reflecting American values,” including the respect for life, he added.

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