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Le Pen: No Dual Citizenship for Israelis « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Le Pen: No Dual Citizenship for Israelis

February 10, 2017


FRENCH presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has announced that if she is elected in May, French citizens will not be able to hold simultaneous citizenship in Israel. In the United States, citizens of Israel may hold dual citizenship and even hold influential government posts.

This is a common sense measure that prevents conflicts of interest. Trump should do the same. In Israel, one cannot become a citizen unless one can prove one is genetically Jewish. Le Pen is, of course, being accused of anti-Semitism. Citizens of the United States and all other countries outside the EU would also have to choose between citizenship in France and their home country, she said.

See commentary on other recent developments in France, including the Le Pen ad above, at Galliawatch.

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