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Truculent Trump « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Truculent Trump

February 9, 2017


Regarding your reader who objected to your posting the picture of Lady Gaga and the reference to Mike King’s website — I applaud your gracious accommodation to the reader. And, of course, you do not recommend your website for children because of the serious and worrisome content.

Good grief! For that matter, I don’t recommend your website for me!!! I find the content too serious and worrisome, and I am 70. Same goes for Tomato Bubble.

You are so correct, however. You can’t “cover the cultural apocalypse without objectionable evidence.”

More disturbing content on your website: “Kabbala Comes to the White House.” Dr. Drolesky nails it. And that’s a really disgusting picture — LGBT for Trump.

See also Tomato Bubble for February 6, and Paul Craig Roberts’ “Is the Trump Administration Already Over?” (2-6-17). Sorry, I am a low-tech dinosaur, and I can’t figure out how to do the links correctly.

We have been trumped, conned, and neo-conned. Trump is a Zionist buffoon held on a short leash by Netanyahu. He is turning out to be as much of a warmonger as Hillary. He is indeed afflicted with “toxic masculinity” as you put it. He strikes me as thoughtless, irrational, frighteningly inconsistent — his inaugural address a total scam.

Trump is pro-Israel, anti-Iran, pro-LGBT, pro-“gay” marriage (we should not use “gay” for what sodomites do, but I don’t want to be offensive), and only perfunctorily anti-abortion in order to bamboozle pro-life Christian conservatives — see Dr. Drolesky’s excellent summary of the Mexico City Policy later in his article. It looks like The Deep State/TPTB selected Trump over Hillary to bring so-called conservatives on board with this evil agenda.

So, time to hold Trump’s feet to the fire??? As I have asked before, HOW? I see no way to hold him accountable in our system. We are pawns of the Globalist neo-cons on one side, and the Zionist neo-cons on the other. The latter are in control now. As one Internet commenter put it: “Trump is the Zionists’ end game after 9/11.”

I hear not a peep of criticism of Trump coming from heartland Americans who so vigorously supported him. I fear a lot of them were already on board with the evil agenda.

Laura, thanks again for your superb website. God bless you!

Laura writes:

Thank you for your kindness.

If this site makes you worried and overwhelmed, please don’t read it! I don’t always recommend it to myself, for goodness sake, and I have never once recommended it to a friend or family member.

But I want to be sensitive to the concerns of the reader offended by “disgusting pictures.”

Here’s some relevant commentary by Fred Reed:

Listen to Trump’s Secretary of State Tillerson, his representative, addressing Congress and ordering China around like a misbehaving twelve-year-old: “We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and, second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.”

This amounts to “Do what I say, or else.” It is an ultimatum, a thing to be used gingerly among big powers. The only “else” is war. Yes, he was speaking unofficially, but his interventions are clear.

Ultimata are dangerous. They are insulting. They leave no room for preservation of dignity by compromise, by finding a way to give in without seeming to. They are a way to look for a fight. A Secretary of State who casually issues ultimata to huge and nuclear powers is a symptom of an executive branch utterly out of control.

Tillerson’s combativeness is not a fluke. Vice President Bannon in The Independent “We’re going to war in the South China Sea in five to 10 years, aren’t we?” Mr Bannon said on his radio show in March 2016. “There’s no doubt about that.”

It also shows the danger of a President with no restrictions on his power to make war. In this respect, current Presidents are as autonomous as Roman emperors, having established that they can wage war at will. Whether the country wants to go to war makes no difference.

FoxNews The US is officially putting Iran “on notice” after its missile test.

The same truculence. The same sense of entitlement. Another war coming up. We would find out about it the day after it began.

As far as what to do about all this, action begins in thoughts and words. Commenting on this is doing something.

Laura adds:

Trump’s new at the job and we should hope for the best. He has done things that needed to be done, such as name a Supreme Court nominee and suspend the flow of refugees.

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