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David Brooks on “Anti-Semitism” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

David Brooks on “Anti-Semitism”

March 22, 2017

IN response to New York Times columnist David Brooks’ assertion that only envy or mental illness could motivate criticism of the Jewish cultural and political agenda (otherwise known as “anti-Semitism”), the editorial staff of The Anti-New York Times displays what must be derangement and envy:

That’s it David! Like our neurotic counterparts in the Middle East and Europe, we Americans who are concerned about the negative impact of Jewish Marxism and Zionism are also mentally unhinged — just envious losers who suffer from an “inferiority complex.” Never mind the fact that sex-crazed Jewish Hollywood is corrupting our children, or that the Jewish Central Bank is debasing our currency, or that the Jewish Lobby wants us to shed blood for Israel, or that the Jewish-run media is propagandizing the public with fake news, or that Jewish academia persecutes scholars who dare to question the conventional accounts of World War II and the Holocaust TM. No. Our sentiments are all about “inferiority complex.”

It takes chutzpah to believe that the only reason people would criticize you is that you are better than them.

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