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Forest Fries « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Forest Fries

March 23, 2017



Recently a rumor spread in Germany that the food from McDonald’s contains wood products. (McDonald’s fries are extremely popular in Germany.)

To refute this, MacDonald’s produced this video.

The deadpan seriousness of the actor is priceless. The script in English:

The people do not even know where their food comes from these days.
And for me, it is the center of my life, yeah.
Well, it is crucial that the trunks healthy.
(Tastes the tree bark)
And if that is the case, then it is already tasty enough and you do not need to salt it.
Healthy, juicy forest fries.
To the workers: Hey there!
Every fiber is sawed by hand.
Sometimes you get a big stump and when you work on it you only get one good fry.
You need a certain skill and pace because the demand is enormous.
And, well, there had been times when the manufacturing was difficult to get supplies,
And the workers had to get supplies from potatoes!
This is what they look like once the wood has been fried.
Claim: The MacDonald’s fries are made from wood and sawdust.
Don’t believe everything they tell you.

Laura writes:

Very clever. I’d eat forest fries if they were made in a workshop like that.

They know what people want: food not made by robots.

Mrs. Sherman writes:

True.  We used to smell the food in a restaurant. Now there is no scent of food being cooked.  Vendors deliver the food that is heated and served, even in Red Lobster. I will never eat there again.  I hope the mom and pop restaurants make a comeback.

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