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Four Years with Chaos Frank « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Four Years with Chaos Frank

March 31, 2017


IN THE ARTICLE “Four Years with Francis, Supreme Blasphemer of the Vatican,” the pseudonymous author Miles Christi writes of “Pope” Francis:

When it comes to referring to the sayings and the facts of Francis, it is impossible not to find blasphemies scattered everywhere, whatever the subject addressed or the action performed. If I have decided to dedicate an article to some of his numerous blasphemies, it has been with the precise pedagogical purpose of highlighting the most outstanding, so that Christians, becoming aware of the unspeakable malice and impiety of this foolish man, may escape his diabolical schemes and not be seduced by the false gospel which he preaches, nor by the adulterated Christ which he deceitfully presents to the world, shielding himself in the immense prestige and considerable moral authority conferred upon him by his investiture.

Christi provides ample evidence that Francis is not even a believing Catholic, let alone a legitimate pope to whom Catholics owe submission.

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