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In the Graveyards of St. Louis « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

In the Graveyards of St. Louis

March 22, 2017


From the archives of Most Holy Trinity Church, St. Louis

JAMES H. writes:

Alan’s missive on his visit to an old Catholic cemetery in St. Louis reminded me of my own visit to a St. Louis graveyard.

A few weeks ago, my sister and I visited Holy Trinity Church in North St. Louis, St. Nicholas Church in South St. Louis and Calvary Cemetery. My paternal great-great-great uncle was from a small town near Paderborn, Germany and was Rector at Holy Trinity when he died in 1907. Paderborn, Germany is the same town my maternal great-great-grandmother was from as well and only 20 miles from Rheder, Germany where her husband was born. Small world!

My uncle is buried in Calvary Cemetery in North St. Louis – truly one of the most beautiful cemeteries I’ve ever visited.

On our visit, I could not help being struck by the many beautiful churches in North and South St. Louis, each and every one a testament to the faith-filled men and women who built these communities. Now these same “communities” have been largely destroyed. Literally thousands of beautiful homes burned or obliterated by the dark pestilence. Many of those beautiful churches have been abandoned. These communities were once thriving bustling home to thousands of the faithful. I was struck by the awesome beauty of the churches and the quality of the homes and communities these faithful Catholics created in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The civilization, of which we are beneficiaries, rests head and shoulders above the degenerated civilizational cesspool in which we now find ourselves.

Why? What has happened? The answer, unfortunately, can be traced to the failings of the Church, once a beacon of rectitude. The Church has been subverted from within and coopted by the Modernists which Pius X warned us about in 1907 in his encyclical on Modernism. And how do I know this? Matthew 7:15-20:

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

In a world where Catholics vote for normalization of abortion on demand, pornography, feminism, homosexual marriage and the entire panoply of modernist “fruits” one can only conclude that the Catholic tree, that once gave the world the greatest civilization it has and will ever know, has been replaced by a faux Catholic thorn bush masquerading as the true faith. One needn’t look any further than “Pope” Francis for proof that the Catholic Church has been hijacked by faithless poseurs.

Now, here is the point of this email. The radical Enlightenment “ideal” of separation of Church and State necessarily brought us to this impasse. For once the protection offered by the State to Christianity is removed the Christian firewall is destroyed and men’s appetites alone dictate what is allowable. We live in a land of unbridled appetites with only the faint memory of our Christian past to restrain us. We are living off the rapidly dwindling capital of our Christian past.

There will be no political solutions to our problems. Dissent will not be tolerated. Democracy, rotten to its core, will not save us. The corruption at the highest levels of government, the rapidly escalating lawlessness, the breakdown of social cohesion, the moral decay and degeneracy, the disparity in wealth, the exploitation by the central bankers, the complicity of the MSM, the utter rot and decay in the popular “culture” are merely the inevitable result of separation of Church and State coupled with demonic democracy. No amount of tinkering will fix it and mind you, this destruction was wrought mindfully and purposely by Satanic forces.

I’m reading, The Thirteenth, Greatest of Centuries written over 100 year ago by James Walsh. In the thirteenth century, in England alone, over 50 magnificent cathedrals were built by a population of between 3 and 5 million! Now those were people whose lives were centered around their Church, their Faith and their families. And what do we build today that will stand the test of time? Absolutely NOTHING for ours is a civilization which has abandoned the verities and beauty our ancestors lived and breathed for the noxious fruits of modernity which has left us spiritually depleted unable to apprehend, much less solve our present crisis. We stare into the abyss and see only the material distractions meant to destroy us.

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

Enjoyed this article. I noticed the females in the St. Louis photograph did not have their heads covered.  I wonder whether this was a post-Vatican II Mass.

“Ye shall know them by their fruits” seems an apt quote for how badly the Church in America has fallen.  I have no other explanation.  On the one hand, it seems a major contributing factor is the birth control pill.  On the other hand, it seems that liberalism is  the major underlying contributing factor.  If the pill had not been invented, perhaps the liberals would have shamed/bullied men (and women) into using prophylactics to substantially the same end.

It seems there would not be enough money in America to support the massive amount of daycare that would be needed to support a continued baby boom.  Therefore, women would not be subscribing to the current liberal agenda.  On the other hand, a white America supported by a continued baby boom might have turned out to be far more prosperous than the America of today.

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