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Instilling Goy Guilt « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Instilling Goy Guilt

March 31, 2017


HENRY MAKOW reviews the movie “Get Out:”

Despite being written and directed by Mad-TV veteran Jordan Peele, “Get Out” is a dreary cliche-ridden horror flick bereft of any humor or satire. It flogs the tired liberal-Jewish theme of white racism and black enslavement that, in this context, is somehow considered edgy and chic.


The Communist strategy has always been to disempower the Gentile “Christian” majority by instilling in them a sense of guilt; and at the same time give minorities a sense of grievance.  

At the same time, it degrades the majority by corrupting their religion and culture. The trailers of upcoming movies I saw were uniformly nihilistic, stupid, vulgar and violent.  

The US, and the West in general, are satanically possessed. The finger of guilt points to organized Judaism and Freemasonry in all their myriad forms.

Donald Trump has said the media is the enemy of the American people. He’ll have to extend that to include many more entities, including possibly himself.

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

Key and Peele have had an anti-white TV comedy show for years.  They are talented and clever.  Their show is horrible anti-white stuff that intermixes clever, funny non-racial pieces.  Dave Chappelle is another anti-white who had a very popular anti-white TV show.  President Trump talks tough about a lot of things, but he fails to call out the anti-white black comedians and rappers.

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