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Sex Ed « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sex Ed

March 23, 2017

S.K. writes:

Recently you had a commenter post regarding teacher-student affairs.

I have followed these stories before, overwhelmingly female teachers and always they are the initiators of it. The male-female gym teacher with the girls seems far rarer. Last year one female teacher had become pregnant by a student half her age, and she was married (she was going to pass off the child as her husband’s). And these are generally young and beautiful women by and large, and often married. This phenomenon will one day need to be explained somehow, in the meantime all we can do is look on and wonder why.

Laura writes:

Is it mysterious?

Sexual restraint is passé. Female aggression is exalted. The schools even teach that gratifying sexual desires is necessary and good for your health.

These stories add to the hyped-up, super-sexualized atmosphere in schools.

— Comments —

L.A. writes:

I think the root cause of these married female teachers seducing young male students is the way we bring up and educate women. Taught to focus on their career, young women are thrown into the sexual marketplace without any guidance or protection at all. They sleep with whomever they like while pursuing their degrees and jobs, then in their late 20’s reach the “epiphany” stage and realize they must secure a mate for long-term provisioning. So they settle for the nice guy who comes along at the right time. In the meantime, they trundle off to their jobs as high school teachers and are surrounded by the testosterone of many young alpha males. Instinct overtakes restraint. It’s a powerful thing–powerful enough to ruin their lives and careers forever. I have a degree of pity for these women whose burgeoning sexuality was never channeled properly by their elders, by people who should be wise to the ways of the sexual world.

With enough of these examples surfacing in the media, one would hope parents and educators would start to address the issue.

Laura writes:

You’re right about the causes.

But schools can only address this in a superficial way, with punishments and more dumb rules. The rot is deep. Very deep. Public schools promote feminism and sexual liberation. They have to. These are sacred ideals. We are living in a world soaked in sexual temptation like never before.

Human societies have two stark choices when it comes to such powerful sexual instincts: to restrain or liberate.

Michael Kuehl writes:

I suggest that S.K. and L.A. google “free Abigail Simon, Michael Kuehl,” and read the articles and blog-posts. Even if they disagree with most of what I say they’ll still find it interesting, provocative, and informative, and I’m sure that in some ways and to some degree they view the matter differently: e.g., L.A.’s belief that the women in these affairs are “always” the initiators.

To those whose view of reality on this issue is derived solely or largely from the national MSM, primarily TV news and the internet (and/or, for who knows how many men and also not a few women, the websites of MRAs, the misogynist zealots of the soi-dissant “men’s movement), virtually all teachers who have sex with students are white females. I especially recommend the articles and posts on Abigail Simon, Cassandra Sorenson-Grohall, Melissa Bittner, the age of consent, “beyond Insanity,” “Anarchy In Chicago,” I’d like to read their comments and respond to their criticisms and disagreements, and answer any questions.

Mr. Kuehl continues:

I’m skeptical of S.K.’s claim that teachers who have sex with students are “overwhelmingly” female -though I understand why he’d believe that given the role of the mainstream media in controlling and often distorting the perception of reality. With some rare exceptions, exceptional cases such as the one mentioned by James N., male teachers having trysts and affairs with students are not major stories, much less obsessions, of the national media, e.g., cable TV and internet websites. They are local stories, briefly covered and viewed by small numbers of people and soon forgotten by almost everyone. Conversely, women teachers having love affairs or even engaging in a few acts of coitus and/or fellatio with male students has been a media obsession since the Letourneau hysteria of 1997, especially if the “rapists” are as lovely as Mary or as ravishing and gorgeous as Debra Lafave. So to people whose view of reality on this matter is solely or largely derived from the national MSM, primarily TV news and talk shows and the internet, virtually all teachers who have sex with students are while females.

Secondly, his assertion that the women are ‘always’ the initiators couldn’t be more false and ridiculous. In most of these cases the woman isn’t even guilty of seduction. Either the “victim” is the aggressor and initiator or their sexual union could be described as a mutual coming together. De facto consensual sex between adult women and biological men under age 18 is the only crime in which the de jure “victims” not only crave and enjoy the actus reus (i.e., the sex) far more than the women who “rape” and “molest” them but are often the aggressors and initiators of their phantasmal and theoretical victimization.

And in some of these intrigues, the “victims” are not only the aggressors and initiators but also sexually harass (often in a vulgar, minatory, and persistent fashion), molest, and even rape in fact the women who “rape” and “molest” them under the law and in theory, as in the cases of Cassandra Sorenson-Grohall, Melissa Bittner, possibly Abigail Simon, and who knows how many other women teachers. I don’t know the facts in over 95% of these cases.

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