The Meaning of “Holocaust”
March 11, 2017
TIM writes:
Whenever the topic of the so-called Holocaust comes up, it is useful to remind (usually inform) the speaker that the word holocaust is an Old Testament term that refers to sin offering, or blood offering, as atonement to God.
These Old Testament references presage the ultimate holocaust, that of the torture and murder of the Messiah for the redemption of mankind. This clarification of terms usually puts a damper on the conversation.
This then begs the question: for whom were the Jews offered as a sin offering?
The answer to this question is found in the new theology: Christ’s sacrifice is now replaced by man’s sacrifice; God is superseded by man; the Rights of God are replaced by the Rights of Man.
Incidentally, there are 162 references to holocaust in the Old Testament found in the Douay-Rheims Bible, which is still the only official Church translation of the bible from the original Latin into English. Beautiful use of the English language.
— Comments —
A reader writes:
I just wanted to tell Tim that he is the first person I have seen express this idea that has many times crossed my mind. I call it the wicked-husbandmen syndrome that the Jews seem to have. They want the “Holocaust” to be the most important event in history placing it above the Crucifixion. They truly think that they have been given the task of reforming mankind. It is a crusade without the Cross. Ultimately, then, it’s satanic and man-centered. Thanks for your insight.