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Trump’s Wars, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump’s Wars, cont.

March 31, 2017

THOSE who screamed and yelled about Trump’s Muslim ban are mostly silent about Muslims being obliterated by American bombs. From Anti-War.Com:

Brig. Gen. Matthew Isler, the deputy commander for the air war in Iraq and Syria, today offered details on the ever-growing scope of the air campaign over the massive, densely populated Iraqi city of Mosul, saying the US is in its “most kinetic” phase so far of the war.

In raw numbers, that means the US and its coalition partners are dropping an average of 500 bombs on the city of Mosul every single week so far in March. That number is growing, too, with the largest week seeing just over 600 bombs dropped.

Air Force officials insist all of the bombs being dropped on Mosul are being dropped “in support” of the Iraqi military’s ongoing invasion of the city. This increase in bombings is also leading to a substantial increase in the number of civilian deaths from US airstrikes as well, with several hundred civilians killed this month.

Mike King writes:

Donald Trumpstein’s phony war to drive phony ISIS from Iraq has turned into yet another bloodbath for the long-suffering people of the once-stable (before the 1990’s) nation of Iraq. With every US missile rained down upon civilian neighborhoods, a new flood of Iraqi civilians (the lucky ones) hit the streets. Trumpstein’s Department of Offense, headed by the utterly contemptible General “Mad Dog” Mattis, now admits that a March 17th airstike “probably” caused the collapse of a residential building, which resulted in the deaths of what the Slimes describes as “scores” of civilians (40? 60? 80?). Mr. Trumpstein! We did not vote to mass murder people because an alleged “sniper” was spotted on a rooftop.

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