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President Jared and First Lady Ivanka « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

President Jared and First Lady Ivanka

April 10, 2017

THE “America First” nationalists in the Trump administration (e.g. Steve Bannon) are being marginalized for the real power behind the throne: the Kushners, the Goldman Sachs bankers and the moronic warhawks. See Mike King’s report (salty language, indecent images):

We believe that Jared & Ivanka “won the battle” because the game was rigged against the Nationalists all along. The object of the game was to paint the Democrat Trumpstein as a born-again nationalist, then draw in Christians, pro-lifers, union workers, “angry White guys” and all the various sub-groups of “alt-right-wingers” (including us, though we always had some doubts), and then discard us all like used-up lemon rinds soon after the election — making it look like the result of a lost “power struggle,” rather than the calculated, pre-meditated betrayal it was intended to be all along.

Why anyone would be surprised at all this is … surprising. In general, don’t trust people who make their living in casinos or New York real estate or beauty pageants. Don’t trust people who brag about sleeping with married women and cheating on their own wives. And, call me prejudiced, but don’t trust people who build ugly skyscrapers.

— Comments —

Joe A. writes:

Trump was never the reason.  He was the focus.  No matter that we’ve been dumped – and no one ever believed we wouldn’t at some point. Strange New Respect is an old, very old, maladay of Republicanism. THE COALITION OF LOYAL AMERICANS NOW, IN FACT, EXISTS.  And it smashed the post-WWII concept of class warfare the ruled by division, Roman style.

To that effect, Trump birthed a fighting chance and bought us some time to plan an effective strategy, rather than worry about the federal round-up that, had Hitlery prevailed on Election Day, would have began that very evening.

This is why I never stopped sending you exhortations to PREPARE, TRAIN and ORGANIZE.

Did you all take the opportunity of Hitlery Yard Signs to geo-map your area of operations (“neighborhood”)?  I sure as hell did.  I know every Leftist activist within a five mile radius of my home thanks to that simple task.  All plotted on a map.  Similarly I know every potential ally.

Did you take the opportunity to test the belief in the Rule of Law and loyalty to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the aspiration of the English Colonists to whom we owe our lives?  I did.

Have you noticed the price of arms and ammunition fell through the floor?  Have you “bought the dip”?

Did you learn about the utter lack of Internet privacy and security facing Hitlery’s (failed) Immaculation? Do you have alternative communication methods in place, starting with good old fashioned visits without electronic devices COMPLETELY COMPROMISED BY OUR U.S. GOVERNMENT?

Trump was OUR CHAMPION, he was never OUR CAUSE.  It was only a matter of time before he fell in line by plan or intimidation.

This war is a spiritual war and we will win it through spiritual means, starting “Wherever two or more are gathered together” in Jesus’ name.

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