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The Bogus “Equal Pay” Holiday « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Bogus “Equal Pay” Holiday

April 4, 2017

MARK J. PERRY writes at the American Enterprise Institute:

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) and the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) are major participants in the feminist propaganda machine that mobilizes forces every April and engages in statistical misrepresentations to publicize the annual feminist holiday known as Equal Pay Day. According to the NCPE, Equal Pay Day will fall on Tuesday, April 4 this year, based on a 20% unadjusted difference in median annual earnings for women and men in 2015 when absolutely nothing relevant is controlled for that would explain income differences like hours worked, marital status, number of children, education, occupation, and the number of years of continuous uninterrupted job experience. Therefore, Equal Pay Day on April 4 this year misleadingly represents how far into 2017 a typical woman will allegedly have to continue working to earn the same income that her male counterpart earned last year for doing the exact same job.

In fact, looking closely at statistics, it is clear that men are paid more as a group largely because they tend to work in less safe occupations (incurring a far greater on-the-job fatality and injury rate), work longer hours, take less time off, work in physically more demanding jobs and take fewer jobs with hours convenient to caring for children.

The public face of the “Equal Pay” campaign this year is Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg, who shamelessly contradicts herself in her article today in USA Today. She loads the beginning of the piece with misleading statements and then reverses these farther on in the propaganda piece, where most readers will probably have already moved on. She writes:

Today is Equal Pay Day. This means that on average, women in the United States had to work all of 2016 plus this far into 2017 to catch up to what men earned last year.

She later explains that more than half of the differential is due to occupation choices. The average woman does not face the average man in a losing battle for pay. Sandberg never acknowledges that many of these women supposedly struggling to catch up are also supported financially by men.

The Equal Pay campaign has always been based on patently fraudulent premises. But that doesn’t matter, folks! Feminism is not about reality or facts. It’s a form of mass psychosis. Millions of men, we should note, sit around and passively accept these lies and slanders against them. Sandberg writes:

A world where women ran half of our companies and countries and men ran half of our homes would be a better world.


Average American child eating dinner in feminist America

Our companies would be more successful,


The economy has gotten dramatically better under feminism!

our laws more just,

In other words, more fathers will be arrested.

More fathers will be arrested — even though they are paid so much!

and our children would gain from their fathers’ care as much as they do from their mothers’.


In Feminist America, both Mom and Dad are working and children have “learning experiences.”

Thanks for the fantasies, Sheryl, you anti-gentile, Commie con artist and control freak! Only a very sick woman — only a loser — gets her kicks from making men and women hate each other. There’s a special circle in hell for people like you. It’s marked: EQUAL PAY.

— Comments —

Tim writes:

Maybe Equal Pay Day should automatically fall on April  First every year!  That would settle everything.
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