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The Talmudic Tyranny « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Talmudic Tyranny

April 6, 2017


THIS IS AN ADDRESS written by Mark Glenn in 2013 to Abe Foxman, then executive director of the Anti-Defamation League, the pro-defamation organization which routinely spies on ordinary Americans, destroys careers, defames anyone who dares to criticize the most powerful people in the world as “haters” and is preparing the way for more serious criminal oppression. Many Jews are as brainwashed by the likes of the “vile and traitorous” ADL, which in any normal country would be forced to register as the agent of a foreign government, as their gentile brethren. “Anti-Semitism” is a lie.

Learn more about the ADL here.


Wreckage of the World Trade Center towers — Israel, not Muslims in caves, did 9/11

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