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The Non-Stop War of Terror « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Non-Stop War of Terror

April 7, 2017



CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN writes at his site:

To understand why President Trump has launched military strikes against the Assad government of Syria one needs to understand that the master plan for Syria is to break the country up into ethnic statelets (i.e. Balkanize). This is the Zionist (Israeli) Likud plan, known as the Yinon Plan (1982), which calls for destroying the military forces of both Syria and Iraq and then breaking them up. To read more about the Zionist master plan for Syria, see yesterday’s posting:  Why trust Al Qaida terrorists about the gas attack?


Does this mean that Donald Trump’s cruise missiles were fired to help the Al Qaida terrorists, the same group he blames for 9/11, who are fighting to overthrow the government of Syria?

Yes, that is exactly what the result of the U.S. military action is. The U.S. is actually waging war against the elected government of Syria, illegally, on behalf of terrorists, which the U.S. designated as terrorists in March 2017! This is a “big mistake” for President Trump (and the U.S.) and proves the veracity of the expression, “The War on Terror is really a War of Terror.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry released a statement today that says exactly the same thing:

The United States conducted strikes against Syrian government troops in the early hours of April 7, using chemical weapons attacks in Idlib Province as a pretext. The U.S. opted for a show of force, for military action against a country fighting international terrorism without taking the trouble to get the facts straight…

Seeking to justify military action Washington has totally distorted what had happened in Idlib. The U.S. could not have failed to grasp the fact that the Syrian government troops did not use chemical weapons there. Damascus simply does not have them, as confirmed a number of times by qualified experts…

As for Idlib, the terrorists operating there used to produce toxic land mines intended for use in Syria and Iraq. These manufacturing facilities were put out of operation in a military operation carried out by the Syrian air force.

The U.S. pretends that it does not understand obvious things, turning a blind eye to the use of chemical weapons in Iraq, officially confirmed by Baghdad. The U.S. refuses to believe the evidence provided by certified documents confirming the use of chemical weapons by terrorists in Aleppo. In doing so, the U.S. is abetting international terrorism and making it stronger. New WMD attacks can be expected.

Russia suspends the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the U.S.

We call on the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the latest developments.
– Foreign Ministry statement on U.S. military action in Syria on April 7, 2017

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