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Traditionalists Against the Papacy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Traditionalists Against the Papacy

April 26, 2017



St. Therese and Pope Leo XIII

“The recognize-and-resist people are sedevacantists in practice. Indeed they are. The problem is, however, that to be a sedevacantist in practice while verbally acknowledging Francis as Pope, does grave violence to the Catholic teaching on the Papacy, precisely because “Pope” is not simply an honorary title with no substantial meaning (as in Theodosius’ mere “nod that he is the one in Peter’s see”), as though nothing of consequence followed from holding the papal office. Indeed, to ascribe the Papacy to someone is to affirm of him all that Catholic doctrine affirms of the Papacy — and that is a lot more than simply the charism of infallibility when making ex cathedra statements ….”

— “Anything but Sedevacantism,” Novus Ordo Watch

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