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Trump’s Hypocrisy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump’s Hypocrisy

April 8, 2017

THIRTEEN tweets that illustrate Trump’s hypocrisy on Syria.

In related news:

Iran’s president said on Saturday that “terrorists” were applauding his US counterpart Donald Trump for launching a missile strike on an airbase of his Syrian government ally.

But Hassan Rouhani backed calls for an independent inquiry into a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town in northwestern Syria on Tuesday that Trump blamed on Damascus.

“This man who is now in office in America claimed that he wanted to fight terrorism but today all terrorists in Syria are celebrating the US attack,” Rouhani said in a speech on state television.

— Comments —

Bill R. writes:

It’s too bad we don’t have a Federal District Judge willing to put a temporary restraining order on Trump launching missile attacks against sovereign nations that have neither attacked, threatened, nor pose any threat to us, but apparently our ruling judiciary thinks it’s okay for the president to drop missiles on refugees, he just can’t refuse them entry into the country!

It makes absolutely no sense for Assad to have done what he’s been accused of. But even if the accusations are true, it was no justification for the attack. There are children suffering and dying every minute all over the world because of war, poverty, the policies of their governments, what have you. And, pray tell, how are cruise missiles supposed to make things better for suffering children, particularly when they are employed to attack one side in a civil war where the other side are acknowledged terrorists?

What Trump has done is utterly stupid, reckless, and dangerous no matter how you look at it, to say nothing of a savage betrayal of his staunchest supporters, and a complete 180 from the pledges he campaigned on, “America first,” not being the world’s police, and so on.

Russian PM Medvedev had it right, “Nobody is overestimating the value of pre-election promises but there must be limits of decency. Beyond that is absolute mistrust.”

It’s like his talk about appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton. He dropped that one the instant he was elected and knew he going to be in a position to actually do it, opting instead to declare that we owed Mrs. Clinton “a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.” That statement, of course, had about as much credibility as the one about a gas attack in Syria being in the “vital national security interest” of the United States.

The Russians are the ones who sound like the rational adults in all this. Our explanations, by contrast, sound forced, contrived, nonsensical, if not outright girlishly silly (our president saw some pictures that made him sad). There is, I believe, a very good reason for this. The Russians don’t have to lie about the real reasons they’re involved in Syria. We do. Nothing in Syria, of course, is in the “vital national security interest” of the United States. We’ve gotten involved, rather, in order to further a greedy and ambitious Zionist agenda that knows no bounds. And that is the only reason. Since this can never be openly acknowledged, our public statements can never make any sense.

It took two and half months, but the Zionist-controlled Deep State finally got to Donald Trump. Sad.

Laura writes:

Trump often made it clear during the campaign that he was a Zionist puppet with his comments about the Iran deal and his repeated claim that Muslims learn to hate from early childhood. But he also made those “America First” statements.

The most important person in Donald Trump’s life is his daughter Ivanka. She and her husband, Jared Kushner, are not America First-ers. Both of them were immediately included in top decision making the administration.

Kathlene M. writes:

Most people don’t know that Jared Kushner, who appears to be the de-facto Secretary of State now, was on the board of the Friends of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and gave money to the IDF as well. Last December, his name was suddenly scrubbed from the IDF website. (See screen shot below of a google search showing articles about this. Hopefully the articles don’t disappear from the web.)

This photo is trending at #FireKushner. Doesn’t Kushner look so fine and dandy in his flak jacket?

God help us all.

image (4)

Laura writes:

Jared and Ivanka belong to the Chabad Lubavitch sect of Orthodox Judaism. Most Americans know nothing about Chabad Lubavitch because it is rarely discussed by the mainstream media.

Hugh Akins, author of Synagogue Rising, wrote:

 “[T]his ultra-orthodox international consortium of rabbis is pantheistic insofar as it teaches that Jewish blood consists of the very DNA of God. It is Talmudic, racist and supremacist inasmuch as it asserts that all non-Jews are the scum of creation, no more than human waste, and that it is virtuous to cheat or even to kill a gentile. These are no wild accusations. The organization proclaims these shocking and vulgar beliefs openly, unashamedly, confident no doubt that it is protected from an outraged Christian population by people in high places, which it clearly is.”

[Hugh Akins, Synagogue Rising, a Catholic Worldview of Anti-Christian Judaism and Counterrevolutionary Resistance; Catholic Action Resource Center, 2012, pp 318-319]

The Kushners should be exiled from the new government on the basis of their beliefs, but Trump’s owes a lot of his success to funding from the Kushner family. Think of the influence — there are both emotional, family ties and longstanding business connections between the Trumps and the Kushner family.

Lydia Sherman writes:

I do not think it was all [Trump’s] idea. Just looking at the helpers surrounding him makes me suspect the attack on Syria may be calculated to make his supporters so angry they un-elect him. They couldn’t get rid of him with other news scandals. This will send him down.

Laura writes:

Things would be much, much worse with Hillary and the constant pressure Trump is under because of relentless attacks may be making him unable to think, but still this action shows such poor judgment and so contradicts his promises that it is reasonable to conclude that he is a fraud.

Some say that he is making a brilliant chess move.

And Gilad Atzmon makes a similar argument, saying that the whole thing was staged to address attacks by those who say Trump is a tool of Putin.

What a lousy way to deal with criticism.

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