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Were They Fools? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Were They Fools?

April 9, 2017



Descent from the Cross

THE Resurrection of Jesus Christ met with skepticism from the very beginning. The Apostles and other disciples were the first doubters. When the women, who had gone to the tomb to anoint Jesus’s body, found that it was empty and witnessed an angel, they then went to tell the Apostles, who did not believe them. When Christ appeared to the Apostles later they thought He was a spirit. People were not anymore inclined then than they are today to believe death can be reversed.

The evangelists – Mark, Matthew, Luke and John – ultimately convinced vast multitudes of the veracity of their accounts.

Could they have been fooled? Could they have made up the story for some ulterior purpose?

This 1945 pamphlet by Rev. Martin J. Scott. S.J. provides brief answers to skeptics.

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