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Boobus Athleticus « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Boobus Athleticus

May 31, 2017

ROME wept this week upon the retirement of its favorite soccer player, Francesco Totti. Mike King writes:

… Sports — sports — sports! That’s all the typical TV-addicted European or American male seems to be able to get excited about, is it not? With his mind, his passion and his natural warrior spirit thusly diverted towards endless games and inane “round-table” commentaries about the game, Boobus Athleticus is left with neither the time nor the interest to study the dangerous illusions that have been and continue to be pulled over his eyes — illusions that are enslaving him and destroying his own family’s future. Adding insult to injury, the sports press openly mocks Boobus Athleticus by referring to him as a “fan” — short for “fanatic.”

Mamma mia! What a tragic farce.

— Comments —

NP writes:

Years ago I read Pat Buchanan’s book Right from the Beginning. I recall him writing something to the effect that for Catholics sports in the 50s were as important as religion. Well maybe my memory is wrong and I’m a lot younger than him, but that seems to be the case in many parts of the country.

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