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Common Sense and the Rainbow Flag « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Common Sense and the Rainbow Flag

May 18, 2017

AN 85-year-old elderly woman in Carlisle, Massachusetts wrote a letter to a local newspaper about the rainbow flag outside a Unitarian Church:

To the Editor:

One of the saddest vistas I know is that of the beautiful rainbow flying as a flag to welcome and encourage the extremely dangerous behavior of homosexuality. Each time I go through the center of my town of Carlisle, I see such a flag and my heart cries out—why, Why?

Indeed, why is this flag being used to speak well of homosexuality and encourage the behavior? Where is the caring for people who for one reason or another have gotten into this behavior? And homosexuality is a behavior; no one is born homosexual.

Where is the truth? Where is the help for such people? It seems they are only helped down the garden path to some of the worst diseases known to man. Just look at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website for information as to how devastating homosexual behavior actually is. Then look at pfox.org for personal stories where ex-homosexuals speak out.

Knowing how many have contracted HIV and AIDs and even died as a result of homosexual behavior leaves me wondering why people would promote such behavior–—let alone churches such as the Unitarian Church and the United Church of Christ.

Sally J. Naumann

So far Mrs. Naumann has withstood the barrage of insults in response.



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