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Happy Mother’s Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Happy Mother’s Day

May 14, 2017


Vase of Flowers, Leon de Smet


What better way to honor mothers everywhere than to pray today for the welfare of children, to whom all good mothers — and all women with a maternal heart — are naturally devoted, rejecting like the poison it is the feminist idea that the personal happiness of adults is more important than the temporal and spiritual welfare of children:

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Infant Babe of Bethlehem, and Our Mother, enkindle in our hearts the spark of youthful innocence. We know of thy great love for little children. It was to innocent children that thou didst deign to appear, revealing the Message of Fatima, and charging them with its propagation. We know no better way to show our regard for them, dear Mother, than to offer our prayers for all children, everywhere. Therefore, O Mother dear, we ask thee to watch over all children in all parts of the world, to guard and protect their homes, to preserve the schools wherein they learn, and to keep them from being tainted with Godless education. Direct them in their play and in all their works, that they may grow in age, wisdom, and the love of God. Grant too, Blessed Mother, that the prayers of our children may hasten the end of all wars of carnage and devastation, and grant unto this world an era of just and lasting peace. We pray that the world may return to Jesus, thy Son, through Reparation to thy Immaculate Heart.

Our Lady of Fatima, we beseech thee to inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

Source: St. Gertrude the Great Sunday bulletin, Mother’s Day, 2017

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