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Our Lady of Fatima « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Our Lady of Fatima

May 14, 2017


Witnesses to the Miracle of the Sun

COMMENTARY on yesterday’s 100th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima in Portugal can be found at Novus Ordo Watch, Tradition in Action and Christ or Chaos.

An overview of this most famous of Marian apparitions can be found hereHere is a brief video on the Miracle of the Sun, witnessed by an estimated 70,000 people several months after the three shepherd children reported that they saw Our Lady, a woman of such dazzling beauty that the vision of her hurt the eyes:

Even O Seculo, an anti-Catholic, Masonic newspaper in Lisbon, reported the miracle of the sun from the perspective of the paper’s editor-in-chief, Avelino de Almedia, who witnessed the miracle for himself.

“…one could see the immense multitude turn toward the sun, which appeared at its zenith, coming out of the clouds,” he wrote.

“Before their dazzled eyes the sun trembled, the sun made unusual and brusque movements, defying all the laws of the cosmos, and according to the typical expression of the peasants, ‘the sun danced’.”

Dr. Garrett added that the sun seemed “to be a living body…It looked like a glazed wheel made of mother-of-pearl.” He also recalled a moment when the sun whirled “wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth, as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible.”

Numerous witnesses corroborated the phenomenon of the whirling, dancing colorful sun which at one moment seemed to be terrifyingly plunging toward earth, with the crowds “expecting the end of the world to come at any moment” one witness reported. After that moment, the once-soggy and muddy crowd discovered that they were completely dry. [Source]

Regardless of what anyone believes about the apparitions, the last 100 years have seen the prophecies reported by the children fulfilled. Was the third prophecy or “secret” a warning about apostasy at higher levels of the Church? Many suspect it was. That a frightful revolution has occurred was confirmed this weekend when “Pope” Francis appeared with his hideous modernist “monsterance” at Fatima. It was an inversion of the Miracle of the Sun. Truly creepy.



“The future of our civilization, our liberties, our very existence may depend upon the acceptance of her commands,” author William Thomas Walsh wrote of Our Lady of Fatima.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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