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Terror, Titillation and Tears « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Terror, Titillation and Tears

May 23, 2017

ARIANA GRANDE is the perfect star of a false flag event. The Manchester “terror bombing,” which allegedly killed 22 people, occurred at one of her concerts. Miss Grande seems to be a victim of child abuse, having been turned into a sexpot at an early age, and is an alleged occultist (indecent imagery). “Terror” is all the more effective when combined with titillation — and lots of schmaltz. Can you tell me why “ISIS” never bombs the politicians it hates?

If anyone can find a convincing photo of a dead body at this alleged “terror” event, I will consider the possibility that it was real. Gruesome images should be readily available in this age of phone cameras. Sorry, but a blood-spattered handbag is just not sufficient. Mass carnage is messier than this.

Nor are photos of people with those foil blankets that are standard at such events.


No bodies, no crime. It’s fake news until proven otherwise. (Mike King agrees.)

But then a world that could believe in the patently staged Sandy Hook shootings will believe anything and is simply drunk on its own tears.

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