Totalitarianism To Go
May 3, 2017

CAROLINE writes:
Just had to share these pictures with you. They are photos of a “health service” vehicle at a public university. It was early in the morning when I dropped my daughter off, so the li’l car was charging in the conveniently located charging outlet. It might be redundant, as in many ways we are so far gone as a society, beyond Orwell, but there is so much wrong with this “service,” one hardly knows where to begin.
First of all, the condescension to ethnic minorities (image below) revolts me. Easy to see who educated the marketing firms.
The nauseating coopting of a perfectly lovely color, pink. Before I read the copy on the “car,” I thought, ‘Oh no, more female cancer agitprop.’ (Don’t know what to think about the pig.)
The car advertises “birth control” and services for “safer sex.” It almost looks as if they’ll deliver their products to eager students in their dorms. (Stashed in the back compartment of course.) Don’t know. Perhaps exclusively for TTHW readers, they should add pizza delivery?
As I contemplated this insult to decent people, it occurred to me that in my time of high school and college (and before I think) students carried on their own elicit affairs by themselves, with no help and guidance from the over-preening hand of the university. They had illicit sex, did drugs, got drunk—mostly on their own terms. Not that I advocate this, of course. Still, it seems to be that the elites want to control, illuminate, and manage this part of students’ lives. Encourage, too. (Since we’re just a collection of molecules anyhow. No souls; no spirits; no eternal creation of loving God.)
Weird. But makes sense if you understand the power lust of totalitarianism. How Marx and Lenin must be laughing from their hole in hell.