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Weddings as Political Theater « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Weddings as Political Theater

May 17, 2017


The church where Pippa Middleton will marry this weekend. The Middle Ages provided today’s decadent British, pseudo-aristocrats with stage settings for their weddings and Christenings.

DAN R. writes:

It’s not even June, but love is in the air. It’s the marriage season, but this being 2017, things are a bit different.  Over the past few days we learned of the news that two WNBA players had gotten “married,” Diana Taurasi and Penny Taylor.  In case anyone thought how nice it was to have two WNBA weddings in one weekend, rest assured that it’s not for nothing that it’s dubbed the Women’s Lesbian Basketball Association.  For Taylor it was her second “marriage,” Taurasi her first.

Continuing, once again with the women’s sports fans of TTHW in mind, female soccer star Abby Wambach tied the [fake] knot with “Christian mom blogger” and best-selling author Glennon Doyle Melton.  Lest anyone think that in the age of liberation butch/femme stereotypes have become passé, photos of the loving pair, with Wambach dressed as the man and Melton as the girl, should dispel that notion.  It was the second “marriage” for each, though Doyle Melton’s was to a man with whom she bore three children.

Finally, things wouldn’t be complete without mention of the men, and the “marriage” of Broadway and television star Jim Parsons to his partner of fourteen years, Todd Spiewak.  As opposed to the Wambach wedding, there is no issue of butch/femme with this lovely couple.

So yes, it was quite the week for love in the utopian year of 2017, and newspaper and television coverage was, accordingly, gushing.  After all, it was the weekend of Mother’s Day, and these new couples are very family-oriented (or at least we are told).  I can’t help but harken back to the title of a 1962 musical: “Stop the World–I Want to Get Off.”

Laura writes:

You forgot the latest big wedding of the decadent British aristocracy.

Philippa “Pippa” Middleton, sister of Kate Middleton and an old bride at 33, is marrying the hedge fund manager, James Matthews, 41, whom she has been living with for awhile after a series of others.

A British wedding — even when money has replaced romance (or especially when money has replaced romance) — always makes a great show. The limousines, the clothes, the red carpets, the pretty flower girls and tousle-haired ring-bearers, the Hollywood celebrities thrown in to liven up the mix, the jovial parson at the church door ready to laugh at it all — distract from the real cultural chaos in which the masses live (and in which these fake aristocrats live). The show must go on — while the British people fall under debt, family collapse, and foreign invasion.

The costume drama this weekend will feature an idyllic medieval church as main stage; a party at the nearby estate her parents purchased with the income from their party business; and probably lots of those elegant ladies’ hats that the decadent British nobility wear at such events to give the appearance that they still uphold tradition while they outrageously behave otherwise. It will reportedly cost more than $2,000 per guest.

In the final run-up to her moment in the spotlight, Ms. Middleton has reportedly been on an intensive three-month bridal boot camp, which includes yoga, Pilates, spinning, cardio training, dance and meditation classes, as well as specially prepared meals.

Pippa and James are both fitness fanatics. It’s all very moving. Let’s hope we get a glimpse of the bride’s biceps. Phitness Phil wears a $200,000 plus engagement ring when she goes out to jog:

The rock Pippa’s husband-to-be gave her, paid for through the usurious high finance system that has pillaged Britain. Meanwhile more and more British citizens are in serious debt.

Unfortunately, despite her peak conditioning, Pippa is long past her peak fertility years. No amount of spinning and cardio training will change that.

If Pippa was not a model for a sensual, money-fixated, me-centered life, if her wedding and its cast of characters did not make such great political theater and degrade us, we would not be hearing anything of it, no matter how pretty she was.

Old for a bride

While Pippa and all those pseudo-weddings were gushed over this week in the mostly Jewish-owned and Jewish-run media with their ongoing relentless promotion of degeneracy and culture war against every last trace of Christian marriage, The New York Times magazine on Sunday gave us Jewish feminist Susan Dominus’s long, long, painfully boring apologia for adultery.

Dominus euphemistically calls mutual betrayal “open marriage.” More clever inversion of the truth. “Gay marriages” are not gay — unless you consider loneliness and disease gay. “Open marriages” are not open. They are closed to love, which is based in self-denial and the recognition that marriage is not made by human beings. It is a supernatural institution.

In her long study, there is not a single word — at least not that I could find — on the effects of the swinging lifestyle on the children involved or on the culture at large in which children are reared amid such sex-crazed narcissists (unless you consider her mention of a husband who shares child-rearing tasks with his wife’s boyfriend to fit in that category). Jewish feminists never mention the children, except as inconveniences. Selfishness is their creed — at least for others. When it comes to their own children, of course, they make exceptions and they do often shield their own children from the poisons they handle and distribute.

Having succeeded in making other forms of perversion acceptable, the Times is now honing in with greater intensity on that old-fashioned ideal of fidelity. Adultery can actually make marriage better:

Instead of detracting from Elizabeth and Daniel’s marriage, Joseph sometimes served as a foil, a contrast against which Elizabeth could better see her husband — and not just her husband, but their history, the way he pulled over, without even asking, any time they drove by an ice-cream parlor, knowing it would delight her, or brought home a Diet Pepsi for her on his way back from work. And in starting something new with Joseph, she found she had refreshed her idea of what love could look like, which also infused her marriage.

Daniel and Elizabeth had turned their union into an elaborate puzzle, one they could only solve together, had to solve together, for the well-being of their family, even if doing so demanded more from each of them than their marriage ever had.

Aw, shucks.

Just another week of weddings.

Just another week of psychological warfare.


Susan Dominus interviewed dozens of couples who have committed themselves to adultery. Dominus, a Jewish culture warrior, finds the decay of the American home fascinating.

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