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Manchester « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


June 1, 2017


Ariana Grande with one of many occult symbols she has posed with — the Monarch butterfly.

FRANK R. writes:

Here is a photo of the dead.  I think you do yourself a great disservice by rushing to call these attacks false flag.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your concern.

I’m sorry, but the photo you mention does not, in my opinion, prove anything. There are no close-ups of the fatally wounded or realistic images of wounds. It is similar — actually less convincing — than this photo of a terror drill last year at the Trafford Center shopping mall in Manchester.


In this age of cell phones — probably 90 percent of the people at the concert had a cellphone with a camera — it stretches belief that no photos of grisly carnage have emerged on the Internet, especially since the people at that concert would not exactly all have been mature, restrained citizens. I covered many crime stories when I was a newspaper reporter — for The Daily Register in Red Bank, N.J. and The Philadelphia Inquirer. I know what a victim of violence looks like.

But there are other reasons to suspect the story of Manchester. A drill of a similar terror attack occurred in Manchester a year before. Firefighters last week were prevented from helping the victims. Ariana Grande is heavily into the occult, which links her to Freemasonry. (There’s lots about this on the Internet.) The interviews with witnesses (such as here and here) were stilted and those who were supposedly witnesses or victims did not display traumatic effects. People have complained that photos of their dead relatives were posted in collages of the supposed victims. As usual, the suspect was killed and ISIS was instantly identified as the culprit. If rushing to judgment is itself wrong then the whole world should not have been orchestrating the fact that it was the work of ISIS, but should have waited for the results of an investigation. The land of Sherlock Holmes seems to reject investigation. How does one so instantly identify a body that has been blown apart? One more tidbit: Here’s a video showing that concertgoers were told over the public address system after the alleged explosion that nothing had happened — not in itself damning, but one more scrap of counter-evidence.

I wrote that I would be very suspicious of the story until realistic photos emerged. I will continue to believe it was either a false flag or the work of a patsy until more evidence to the contrary comes forward. I am open to being wrong.

I urge you to take seriously the papal warnings about Freemasonry, which has been active in England for a long time.



— Comments —

Frank R. responds:

There is a major difference between the photo of the Manchester attack vs. the photo of the terror drill. That is, the attack photo shows tremendous amounts of debris scattered about the area, as well as the blood stains from a body apparently dragged along the floor.

Agree with you about Ariana and the occult. Here is a link that demonstrates that the lyrics of her songs are sick porn.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

Oh my goodness, Ann Barnhardt — a person who believes that anyone who questions the official version of 9/11 is psychologically unbalanced! Physicists, architects, civil engineers, firefighters — all experts in their field — who question the science of 9/11 are just sick.

Forgive me, I do not take anything Ann Barnhardt says seriously, given her juvenile demonization of those who have dissented — often at enormous personal cost — on the events of 9/11.

As for the debris, you are right. But that kind of thing is simply not a big deal to arrange. Ceiling tiles and dry wall are light and portable. So is fake blood.

Now, let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that this was the work of a member of ISIS — which, by the way, has received material support from the American government. Let’s just say this was entirely a Muslim act (I do not for a minute doubt that there are Muslims capable of such a thing or that there have been real acts of Islamic terrorism.) If the suspect was a Muslim terrorist, he was very stupid because acts such as this only serve to unleash murderous, systematic warfare against Muslim countries. His strategy was extremely stupid. Muslims do not benefit from such attacks. They do not. In any event, he is conveniently dead — just like the terrorists of 9/11.

 Laura writes:

By the way, I am not saying these things in order to convince you that this attack was fake. I do not feel some compulsion to convince you or anyone else.

I am saying these things to absolve myself of any complicity in the “War on Terror.” Simply stating what I believe to be true is enough, I hope, to achieve that end.

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