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Media Ignores Trump Criticism of Wars « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Media Ignores Trump Criticism of Wars

June 26, 2017

“As of a few months ago, our country has spent $6 trillion in the Middle East, wasted. And the lives, the lives, thousands and thousands and thousands of lives. $6 trillion and thousands of young, beautiful lives.

“We started 16 years ago and it’s in far worse shape than it was 16 years ago by many times over. So, we spent all of this money, all of these lives.

“And let me tell you, I came in and took over a very, very difficult hand. But we’re going to get it fixed. That’s what you put me here for. We’re going to get it fixed.”

– President Donald Trump, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 21, 2017

CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN writes at his site:

What is most significant about Trump’s common-sense comment on the money and lives wasted on the post-9/11 wars in the Middle East is that the media completely ignored this comment. The same media that spins articles from every Trump tweet concerning Russian “interference” in the election ignored this important comment made by the commander-in-chief about the wars in the Middle East and delivered in a speech on June 21. This fact says a great deal about who is deceiving the people about the War on Terror – and who is not. The controlled media has, after all, consistently supported the deception of 9/11 and the fraudulent War on Terror.

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