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The Amazing Falling Baby « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Amazing Falling Baby

June 26, 2017


THE Grenfell Tower high rise apartment flat in West London allegedly burst into a raging conflagration within minutes on June 14 — after a fire reportedly broke out in a faulty freezer in one apartment. (A fire in a freezer?) Seventy-nine people were reportedly killed in the blaze. This number and speculation of many more victims have been widely reported, but as of last week authorities said only nine people were identified as victims.

There are numerous strange elements to this story, including the unusual nature of the fire itself which spread so quickly and appeared to consume the outside of the building. New exterior cladding is being blamed. Is it possible that a highly flammable substance was used in an age of strict building codes? Civil unrest is brewing with reports of similar substances in other buildings.

News reports, however, of the fire included what appear to be staged tales, such as the story — reported as fact — that a baby was dropped by a distraught mother on the tenth floor and caught by a bystander below. A fanatic nun was also on the scene, lending drama to the event. After questions emerged about her status as a nun (the Church has no such record of this Sr. Ruth), it was proved she is a nut and an “anti-Semite.”

In an interview, one oft-cited witness broke out laughing when describing residents fleeing from the fire. The reporter reaches in to hug him, apparently to disguise the fact that he had lost control.

Notice a man in this interview (standing next to the interviewee) cannot contain himself from smiling and almost breaking out into laughter while the interviewee is describing the death of his relative.

What’s the bottom line? Obviously a fire occurred. But there is as yet no hard evidence that many people were killed. There are also numerous suggestions of staging and what appears to be deliberate fanning of public unrest. (The Muslim woman in this interview strikes me as an actress and paid agitator; in any event she says many things that could not possibly be true.) Muslims are being encouraged to believe they were deliberately targeted, and blacks are being encouraged to believe that hundreds were killed at the prompting of social conservatives and some are saying the government murdered the poor (more here.)

It’s a raging inferno, folks.

Engineered social chaos serves a purpose.


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