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A General’s 9/11 Awakening « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A General’s 9/11 Awakening

July 21, 2017


RETIRED MAJOR GEN. Albert Stubblebine, who died earlier this year, describes his gradual disillusionment with the official story of the events of Sept. 11, 2001 in this powerful video. He is one of many retired and active military members to challenge the story and the highest ranking military member to say publicly that the official story is not true.  Despite all his military experience, it was his wife who initially got him to see that something was not right.

Stubblebine was the commanding general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984. He graduated from the United States Military Academy and received a master’s degree in chemical engineering from Columbia University. He received the Bronze Star, a Distinguished Service Medal, two Legion of Merit medals and two Air medals. Beware of Internet disinformation suggesting Stubblebine is a kook.

He didn’t put all the pieces together but his knowledge was unfolding. The last few minutes of the video are moving as Stubblebine speaks of his intense patriotism.

[Note: I am not familiar with other statements Stubblebine may have made about 9/11. This is not an endorsement of all he may have said. Nor is it an endorsement of the simplistic idea that “the government did it.”]

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