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Antifa’s Street Theater « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Antifa’s Street Theater

August 25, 2017

FROM an article by Jude Duffy about Antifa’s “pseudo-anarchist” warfare:

Why, if Antifas oppose war, do they violently disrupt the rallies of anti-war groups like the Alt-Right and Alt-Lite, but never those of Neocon warmongering politicians such as the Bush clan, Mitt Romney, and Lindsey Graham, much less those of Democrat war-mongers, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?

Compared to the power and influence these politicians wield, the Alt Right is a piffling non-movement, with no money, no corporate backers and no mainstream media presence. Yet the supposedly radical Antifas devote most of their energy to violently harassing this tiny group, while studiously ignoring the big sharks of AIPAC and the Greater Israel movement.

If, as they also insist, “inaction is consent”, they clearly consent to the permanent war agenda, regardless of their tokenistic Marxist gibberish to the contrary.

Antifa’s refusal to meaningfully oppose the Neocon warmongers also proves just how phoney their anti-racism is. All the lynchings in the South put together make for a tiny  fraction of the non-white deaths caused by the wars of the Clintons, Obama, Blair and Bush.

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